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Tuesday, November 29, 2011


1-Which group are you in:
-Between 18 -25        -Between 26-35
-Between 36-45        -Between 46-55
-56 or above

2-What is your gender:

3-Do you own the Nintendo Wii:

4-Who do you play the Wii with:

5-What is the reason of playing the Wii:
Physical exercise
-Social activity
- Boredom

6-How long do you spend on playing video games per week?
-Less than one hour
-1-2 hours
-3-5 hours
-More than 5 hours

7-What is you favorite video game console:
-Nintendo Wii

8-How often do you buy Gaming magazines:
-Not often
9-How often do you buy a new game console:
-Immediately after w new console is released
-Not often

10-Rate the importance of the brand when you are buying a new video game console (5 is the high preference):

11-Rate the importance of adding high-tech features as gaming actions and graphic quality to the video game (5 is the high preference):

Monday, November 21, 2011

Interactivity game-Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney

Ask any gamer why we love to play, and sooner or later we're bound to start philosophizing about “interactivity.” Games, you see, are the only kind of entertainment that let the audience influence the characters' actions. You can't stand up in a movie theatre and tell the actors who to shoot next; how well would it work if comic-book writers asked readers to write in to determine characters' fates?

Above: Imagine the interacting you could do with that lot! 
But plenty of games aren't that interactive at all. Some are designed restrictively; others offer chin-scratchy commentary on the nature of gameplay; some were just made by folks who like cutscenes a bit too much. For whatever reason, plenty of software is less “game” and more “TV show with occasional button presses.” Interactive entertainment? Here are a few games that forget at least half that promise.

7. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney

The game: Every once in a while, Capcom graces us with a new IP to add to their stable of zombies, zombie-killers, zombie-photographers, sociopathic street-brawlers, and Mega Man. A particularly novel addition has been the Ace Attorney series. At last, we could subject ourselves to the fun of negotiating the legal system, without the hassles of dealing with a lawyer's income or lifestyle. 
What could you do? “You can't handle the truth!” “This whole courtroom's out of order!” “Yes they deserve to die, and I hope they burn in hell!” “Denny Crane!” Just a few of the legal-eagle catchphrases you were free to yell into the DS' microphone, enabling you to feel exactly how a real law-talkin' guy feels when he's legalin' it up.

Above (top): Dynamic legal action!
Above (bottom): Streamlined user interface!
What did the game do for you? Told quirky courtroom tales while you were hollering at your console and occasionally tapping the screen to move the story along. It's not that the game's bereft of things to do; there just tends to be one right way to pass a level, and once you've found that way, no real reason to go back. Unless you've got some choice new John Grisham quotes to yell, of course.

Above: Looks like a thought just hit him... fatally. [Don sunglasses, cue title sequence]
Seriously, this is less interactive than... Finding a reason to go to court, for reals. Have you been to court? Shit's better than Halo.
You may think this looks a lot like us advocating illegal activities, but you could not be more wrong. Please restrict yourself to confessing to other peoples' pre-existing crimes.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

The name

What's in a name? A lot when it comes to Wii

And now the back story on that crazy name. 

When Nintendo announced in April 2006 that it was changing the code name of its forthcoming console from Revolution to its permanent moniker, Wii, the world said, "What?" 

Nintendo executives can't be that naive, right? They do know what people will think of, right? Wait, is it maybe just a strategy to build buzz? 

No, yes and sort of. 

Nintendo was not naive. In fact, it hired a respected branding and naming giant, Interbrand, to come up with the name (along with dozens of others that were discarded). 

And, yes, Nintendo executives did know the urinary connotation of the word. They were prepared for the jokes and snickers but also knew those would run their course. 

And while executives insist the name wasn't meant purely to inspire buzz, the selection and announcement were indeed wellfounded in strategy. Wii the name cannot be shortened or bastardized. 

Wii the name refers to the inclusiveness and we-ness of playing together. Wii the name has two i's that physically mimic two people or two remotes. And Wii the name is global -- it's pronounced the same way in most any language. 

As for the announcement, it was the timing that was strategic. It came just weeks before the console's first public unveiling at E3, the most important gaming show of the year. The intent was to let the comments and snickers rise up and then die down by the time it came to checking out the hardware and software, says George Harrison, senior VPmarketing and corporate communications at Nintendo of America. 

"We knew that people were going to make fun of it," says Perrin Kaplan, VP-marketing and corporate affairs. "We knew there would be a little rainstorm before the sun showed up again." 

And, they ask, a year and a half later, can you imagine it being called anything else? 

Well, no, actually, Wii can't

by: Anonymous 

Ad Age

Nintendo Is Ad Age's Marketer of the Year

Question: Can a new product not only radically revive a company but also reinvigorate an entire industry? 

Answer: Wii. 
Game changing: From left, George Harrison, Perrin Kaplan and Robert Matthews swing for the fences via the Wiimote.
Kevin P Casey
Game changing: From left, George Harrison, Perrin Kaplan and Robert Matthews swing for the fences via the Wiimote.

In much the way Apple made music aficionados out of mere music buyers, Nintendo via its Wii system has created a passionate group of devotees out of people who previously couldn't have cared less about video games. Wii broke open a market long confined predominantly to young men and welcomed in the rest of the family. 

"They have absolutely changed the industry," says Julie Shumaker, VP-sales for in-game agency Double Fusion and former Electronic Arts national sales director. "They brought people who don't consider themselves gamers into gaming. Data show people ... still don't consider themselves gamers -- and they own a Wii. Sheer marketing brilliance." 

Nintendo to sink $200 Million into Wii campaign

Is Nintendo beginning to feel the heat from Sony's PS3 launch? They'd never say so directly, but their recent actions seem to suggest it. Nintendo has recently announced a plan to put at least $200 Million into marketing the Wii console. Appealing to a large market is tough, and requires a large cash flow, and they intend to use it: 

"Our plan to market Wii broadly, with hands-on experiences, continues to pay off," said George Harrison, Nintendo of America's senior vice president of marketing and corporate communications. "Wii introduces new ways to play, to expand both the appeal of games and the audience of gamers. Our marketing campaign is central to that." 
If you pay attention to popular media, you already know that Nintendo is making waves. The Wii has appeared on commercials, in the cartoon series South Park, on MySpace, in The Wall Street Journal and many other places. They are last to market for this generation of consoles. Is that a blessing, or a curse? They have always had a mass-market appeal that doesn't seem to follow the Xbox or the PlayStation, but they have lost ground to Microsoft and Sony for many years on the console front.

wii fit